The Future of Higher Education Is Social Impact / L’avenir de l’enseignement supérieur, c’est l’impact social

That’s the title of a post from the Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR). The author calls for university research to become more responsive to community needs. The Research Impact Canada universities seem to be way ahead of the curve, at least where US universities are concerned. C’est le titre d’un billet publié par la Stanford Social Innovation […]

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Evolving the Co-Produced Pathway to Impact / Document conjoint sur la trajectoire vers l’impact : toujours plus de précision

In 2016, we published the co-produced pathway to impact (CPPI) with PREVNet to describe the processes that supported research to impact. Working with Kids Brain Health Network, KMb York has made some small and not so small additions to the pathway. En 2016, l’Unité de mobilisation des connaissances (MdC) de York publiait en collaboration avec […]

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David Phipps Interviewed at Canadian Science Policy Conference 2017

David Phipps, Executive Director, Research & Innovation Services at York University, talks about the Knowledge Mobilization Unit at York University and the Research Impact Canada network in the following interview from the Canadian Science Policy Conference 2017. […]

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Thinking About Impact in New Zealand / De Nouvelle-Zélande, une réflexion sur l’impact

I went to New Zealand prepared to speak about research impacts. I found out (just in time) they had already prepared the audiences for me. Je suis parti pour la Nouvelle-Zélande avec une conférence toute prête sur l’impact de la recherche. J’ai découvert (à la dernière seconde) que mon auditoire était déjà très renseigné! I […]

Lire la suite… from Thinking About Impact in New Zealand / De Nouvelle-Zélande, une réflexion sur l’impact