ResearchSnapshots – Université York

ResearchSnapshots are summaries of single research studies. As such, they serve to identify interesting and relevant research and a researcher who may be contacted for further information. Policy or practice related decisions are best informed by actionable messages derived from bodies of knowledge or from systematic reviews.

ResearchSnapshots were developed under a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and with support from the Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation, York University. The ResearchSnapshot format has been validated by focus groups including policy makers, community practitioners and university faculty and each ResearchSnapshot is posted with the approval of the researcher. The format has also been adopted by a number of other organizations including, Gambling Research Exchange Ontario (GREO), Evidence Exchange Network (EENet), Canadian Observatory on Homelessness, and the Hospital for Sick Children.

If you are interested in learning more about the research presented in any ResearchSnapshot, please contact York University’s Knowledge Mobilization Unit at

To see view the full collection of ResearchSnapshots, see below.