On August 28, 2014 we bid farewell to some of the students who have been instrumental in helping York’s Knowledge Mobilization Unit deliver expert knowledge mobilization services. We are pleased to post the reflections of our students on their time with us.
Le 28 août dernier, nous disions au revoir à quelques-uns des étudiants qui ont joué un rôle majeur dans notre équipe en nous permettant d’offrir des services de mobilisation des connaissances spécialisés. Nous publions ici quelques-unes des réflexions que leur a inspirées leur séjour parmi nous.
Name: Christina Ransom
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Work at the KMb Unit: Almost three years as Data and Communications Assistant
What’s Next: Master of Information, University of Toronto, September 2014
When I first started my journey with the KMb Unit as the Data and Communications Assistant two and a half years ago, I was a York student studying psychology at the undergraduate level; now, I am writing this in a University of Toronto library, while waiting for the official Orientation Day for incoming Master of Information students to begin. Many of the people I’ve met over the past few months have commented that my path from psychology to library sciences seems like somewhat of a big leap, and in many ways, it is. However, my work with the KMb Unit has served as one common thread connecting these stages of my life.
Coming into the field of knowledge mobilization, I was (and am) passionate about the research being done in psychology, and excited by the idea that the organization I was about to play a role in could help disseminate the findings of that research outside the world of academia. Throughout my work with KMb York, including participating in Clear Language Writing workshops and helping to make our ResearchSnapshots accessible to all audiences, I realized that I have a broader drive to make all information more readily available to everyone – and this is a major reason I feel confident in my decision to pursue a career in librarianship.
It is my belief that knowledge mobilization has a firm role to play alongside librarianship in making information accessible to the greatest number of people, and so I hope to continue to interact with and see this field grow in the years to come.