Tweet a Mobilizer- January 26 at Noon EST

On Wednesday, January 26, ResearchImpact will be hosting our first ever Tweet a Mobilizer event on TweetChat. Here are the details:
Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Time: 12 noon to 1:00 pm EST
In order to take part in this event you must sign up for a Twitter account. If you don’t have a Twitter account, go to and click on the sign up button and follow the instructions to create a profile.
Here are the instructions on how to participate:
1- To sign in: sign into your profile on and then go to TweetChat at
2- To find us: type in KMbTaM in the ‘Enter hashtag to follow’ box

3- To join in: when you get to the conversation page, click the ‘Sign In’ button

4- To allow access: click ‘Allow’ for access

5- Tweet a Mobilizer: Type any questions, answers or comments and hit the ‘update’ button