Five Steps to Research Impact / Cinq étapes pour que la recherche ait un impact

Knowledge brokering, the formation and support of community campus collaborations, is a key knowledge mobilization method that helps to maximize the social and economic impacts of research. A recent article from York’s Knowledge Mobilization Unit breaks that method down into five steps. Le courtage de connaissances, c’est-à-dire la formation et le renforcement de collaborations entre […]

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Welcome University of New Brunswick / L’Université du Nouveau-Brunswick parmi nous

On April 8, 2015 the ResearchImpact-RéseauImpactRecherche (RIR) Executive Leads committee made a conditional acceptance to the University of New Brunswick to become the 12th RIR university. On August 24, 2015, those conditions were met and we were pleased to welcome UNB as our newest RIR member. Le 8 avril 2015, le comité directeur du RéseauImpactRecherche-ResearchImpact […]

Lire la suite… from Welcome University of New Brunswick / L’Université du Nouveau-Brunswick parmi nous

Progressing Research Impact Assessment: A ‘Contributions’ Approach

Morton, S. (2015). Progressing research impact assessment: A ‘contributions’ approach. Research Evaluation, 24(4), 405-419. doi:10.1093/reseval/rvv016 Abstract There is an increasing interest in demonstrating the outcomes from research for the purposes of learning, accountability, or to demonstrate the value of research investments. However, assessing the impact of social science research on policy and practice is challenging. The […]

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Wisdom About Community Campus Collaborations From Those Who Live Them / Sagesse des intervenants dans les collaborations entre l’université et la communauté

In one week I facilitated workshops on supporting awesome community campus collaborations with two very different non-academic audiences. The similarities are interesting, the differences intriguing. The method was fantastic. Dans la même semaine, j’ai animé des ateliers sur les moyens de produire de remarquables collaborations entre l’université et la communauté, auprès de deux publics non universitaires très […]

Lire la suite… from Wisdom About Community Campus Collaborations From Those Who Live Them / Sagesse des intervenants dans les collaborations entre l’université et la communauté

A Stranger in a (Not So) Strange Land / Étranger en terre (pas si) étrangère

In June 2015 I attended the Research Impact Assessment intensive course hosted by Alberta Innovates Health Solutions. Being a knowledge mobilization professional with little formal experience in evaluation I expected to feel like a fish out of water. Instead it was like discovering a home I never knew I had. Even down to the same […]

Lire la suite… from A Stranger in a (Not So) Strange Land / Étranger en terre (pas si) étrangère