The KM Unit at York hosted a talk on Tuesday May 12 as part of our KM Speaker Series. David Yetman is the Manager of Knowledge Mobilization at the Leslie Harris Centre with Memorial University in St. Johns, NL and spoke about Memorial’s experiences with KM. He also demonstrated Yaffle a new research search engine designed to support knowledge co-production in Newfoundland and Labrador. Information on KM activity at Memorial University can be found on their web site.
David has been managing the KM Unit at Memorial since 2004 and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. within the Faculty of Medicine at Memorial. His area of study is KM and this provides Memorial with a strong theoretical understanding of KM in addition to David’s operational experience and leadership in this area.
The audience included York staff, researchers and administrators along with guests from York Region, the University of Toronto and the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services.