At the University of Victoria, the Research Partnerships and Knowledge Mobilization unit (RPKM) is a campus and community-wide portal to support the development of transformative research. We bring outstanding researchers together with community partners to co-create knowledge for action –knowledge that is mobilized to improve the social, cultural and economic well-being of communities throughout our region and around the globe. Here’s a look at some of our projects with community partners in 2014.
À l’Université de Victoria, l’unité Partenariats en recherche et Mobilisation des connaissances (Research Partnerships and Knowledge Mobilization unit, RPKM) est un portail ouvert aux gens du campus et de la communauté, destiné à soutenir et à renforcer la recherche transformatrice. Nous réunissons des chercheurs exceptionnels et des partenaires de la communauté afin qu’ils créent ensemble un savoir en action – un savoir mobilisé dans le but d’améliorer le bien-être social, culturel et économique des collectivités de notre région et du monde entier. Voici quelques-uns des projets en cours en 2014.

Research searches for improved ways to reintegrate youth in custody back into society.
Sometimes one mistake can throw your entire life off track. For youth in custody, the challenge of recovering and moving forward is especially difficult. To help BC youth transition from custody back into their communities, Dr. Anne Marshall and a team at UVic’s Centre for Youth and Society (CYS) recently completed a study that explored the question: “What do youth identify as being most important to their past youth justice system success and re-integration?”
This is one of 250 research questions that community agencies, scholars, and BC’s Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) agree are vital to the well-being of our province’s youth and families. Assembled in MCFD’s Shared Research Agenda, some of these questions are being explored as joint initiatives between UVic and MCFD.
Building on previous research with the Victoria Youth Custody Centre, Dr. Marshall and her team interviewed both youth and custody professionals to explore supports and barriers to successful transitions.
The team’s findings were presented to MCFD executives and staff across BC in November 2014, underscoring the importance of transition plans that incorporate these youths’ own goals, capacities, and supportive community connections.
For more CYS research, click here.
This post was first published on March 13, 2015 on the University of Victoria’s Community Current blog.