Day 2 started out foggy and damp but the research was shining at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education.

Ben Levin and his PhD students from the Research Supporting Practice in Education group at UT OISE were presenting on their research on knowledge mobilization in education. It was great to see graduate students present to their fellow students and faculty and some community/government partners about KMb products, KMb events and KMb networks. Ben’s group is one group that ResearchImpact-RéseauImpactRecherche (RIR) turns to for evidence to inform our KMb practice.
From there we attended a Big Thinking presentation by the Rt. Hon Michaël Jean who spoke about arts, youth and innovation. Our former Governor General spoke with quiet passion and intensity about youth, First Nations, arts, culture and Haiti. She and her husband, M. Jean-Daniel Lafond also touched on elements of KMb as shown in our tweets from their presentation.

Meanwhile back at the RIR booth conversations were hopping and we saw an increasing number of substantive conversations. By 3 pm we had received 29 visitors, held 21 KMb related conversations and even spoke to 3 community members who requested knowledge brokering service – a first in 5 years of Congress! And yet some things also never change. The most frequent questions asked is “How can my university join RIR”.
Our KMb in Action stories are available on our web site and we have started to post KMb tools. Stay tuned for a KMb in Action story presenting KMb tools from all the RIR universities. That’s the easiest way for your university to join the RIR and mobilize knowledge at your organization.