Comment je suis devenu agent de soutien à la mobilisation des connaissances ? / How did I become a knowledge mobilization officer?

Jérôme Elissalde, RIR – UQAM Jérôme Elissalde est agent de soutien à la mobilisation des connaissances au Service de la recherche et de la création de l’Université du Québec à Montréal. Petit survol de son parcours de la France au Québec, de la physique-chimie au soutien à la mobilisation des connaissances, tout en passant par […]

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Knowledge for Theory and Practice

Van De Ven, A. & Johnson, P. (2006). Knowledge for theory and practice. Academy of Management Review, 31(4), 802-821. Abstract We examine three related ways in which the gap between theory and practice has been framed. One approach views it as a knowledge transfer problem, a second argues that theory and practice represent distinct kinds of knowledge, and […]

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How I Became a Knowledge Mobilizer / Comment je suis devenu une mobilisatrice de connaissances

Shawna Reibling, RIR – Guelph Shawna Reibling, Knowledge Mobilization Coordinator at the Institute for Community Engaged Scholarship (ICES) at the University of Guelph, describes her journey to becoming a knowledge mobilizer. Shawna Reibling, Coordonnatrice de la mobilisation des connaissances à l’Institute for Community Engaged Scholarship (ICES) de l’Université de Guelph, décrit le cheminement qui l’a […]

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The Rise of the Knowledge Broker

Meyer, M. (2010). The rise of the knowledge broker. Science Communication, 32(1), 118 -127. Abstract Knowledge brokers are people or organizations that move knowledge around and create connections between researchers and their various audiences. This commentary reviews some of the literature on knowledge brokering and lays out some thoughts on how to analyze and theorize […]

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Putting the ‘Strategy’ in Knowledge Mobilization Strategy / Mettre de la « stratégie » dans la stratégie de mobilisation des connaissances (MdC)

Michael Johnny, RIR – York Knowledge Brokers in Canada have a growing number of training opportunities specific to supporting our work. Peter Levesque of KMb Works offers an excellent one day session on KMb Strategy. De plus en plus de formations sont offertes aux courtiers de connaissances canadiens pour supporter leur travail. Peter Levesque de […]

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Innovation brokers / Courtiers en innovation

David Phipps, RIR-York David Phipps (RIR-York) published another knowledge mobilization journal club article last week. The journal club discusses work on “innovation brokers”. Are you a knowledge broker or an innovation broker? David Phipps (RIR-York) a publié un autre article dans le cadre du club de lecture sur la mobilisation des connaissances.  La discussion porte […]

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The Importance of Knowledge Mobilization in Benefiting Our Region

The following was first published by United Way York Region on June 4, 2012 and is reposted here with permission. As a concept, Knowledge Mobilization was introduced in Canada in 2001-2002 by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC) and can be defined as putting available the knowledge gathered through research regarding […]

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Innovation Brokers

This journal club entry is about the work of Laurens Klerkx (Wageningen University, The Netherlands) on innovation brokers and is drawn primarily from the Technological Forecasting & Social Change paper below but I also include the 2012 reference since it is not only more recent but is open access. You can get more information on […]

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So You Want to Build a KMb Unit? / Sinsi, vous voulez bâtir une unité de MdC?

The most common question RIR brokers are asked is, “How can my university join RIR?”  More on that in about four weeks.  The question I frequently am asked is, “How can I build a university based KMb unit?” Comment mon université peut-elle intégrer le réseau ? », c’est la question la plus fréquente que reçoivent […]

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2012 York KMb Learning Events / Les activités d’apprentissage offertes par York MdC en 2012

Michael Johnny, RIR, YorkU York KMb is offering sessions for researchers, staff and graduate students to help make their research relevant to professional practice and policy development. York MdC offre des séances de formation à l’attention des professeurs, du personnel et des étudiants gradués afin de les aider à accroître la pertinence de leurs recherches […]

Lire la suite… from 2012 York KMb Learning Events / Les activités d’apprentissage offertes par York MdC en 2012