A Driving Need / Un besoin très moteur

At the University of Victoria, the Research Partnerships and Knowledge Mobilization unit (RPKM) is a campus and community-wide portal to support the development of transformative research. We bring outstanding researchers together with community partners to co-create knowledge for action –knowledge that is mobilized to improve the social, cultural and economic well-being of communities throughout our […]

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A Baskin Robbins of Knowledge Brokers / Un éventail coloré de courtiers en connaissances

Coming back from the UK Knowledge Mobilization Forum David Phipps saw university and community and government knowledge brokers. Just like ordering ice cream at Baskin Robbins, the 31 flavours of ice cream illustrates there’s a broker for every type of knowledge use. David Phipps est de retour du Forum sur la mobilisation des connaissances du […]

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C2U Expo 2015 Registration Now Open!

C2UExpo is a Canadian-led international conference designed to: showcase best practices in community-campus partnerships worldwide; create a space for collaboration around key issues; and foster ideas for strengthening communities Held every two years, the conference allows community members, universities, colleges, government, and non-profit organizations to create an innovative learning environment. Activities and sessions are diverse, […]

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Knowledge Mobilization Product Research / Recherche sur les résultats de la mobilisation des connaissances

Queen’s University student Amber Vance recently completed a three week placement at York University’s Knowledge Mobilization Unit where she researched knowledge translation products. Here are her reflections on the experience.  Amber Vance, une étudiante de l’Université Queen’s, a fait récemment un stage de trois semaines à l’Unité de mobilisation des connaissances de l’Université York, où elle […]

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Infographics for Knowledge Translation

This week’s guest post written by Issac Coplan, comes from the NeuroDevNet KT blog KT Core-ner. It was originally published on April 8, 2015 and is reposted here with permission. The word infographic is an abbreviation of the term “Information Graphic”. Increasingly, these forms of data visualization have used in knowledge translation as a tool […]

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Research Funder Required Research Partnerships: A Qualitative Inquiry

Sibbald, S. L., Tetroe, J. & Graham, I.D. (2014). Research funder required research partnerships: A qualitative inquiry. Implementation Science,9(176), doi:10.1186/s13012-014-0176-y. http://www.implementationscience.com/content/9/1/176. Abstract Background: Researchers and funding agencies are increasingly showing interest in the application of research findings and focusing attention on engagement of knowledge-users in the research process as a means of increasing the uptake of research findings. The […]

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