Le transfert des connaissances dans le domaine social : introduction et état des lieux d’un nouveau champ de recherche

Dagenais, Christian, and Émilie Robert. Le transfert des connaissances dans le domaine social. Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2012. Le 21 juin 2011 se réunissaient à Montréal plus de cinquante acteurs du milieu québécois du transfert des connaissances (TC). Regroupant trois catégories d’intervenants – chercheurs universitaires, organismes œuvrant dans le domaine du TC et […]

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Le sommet de 2021 réunit les perspectives des États-Unis et du Canada sur l’impact de la recherche

Le Center for Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS) et Réseau Impact Recherche Canada (RIRC) ont travaillé en collaboration pour organiser le 2021 Summit: Research Impact & Public Engagement at the Intersection of the Future Workforce (Sommet 2021 sur l’impact de la recherche et l’engagement du public à l’intersection de la future main-d’œuvre). Le Sommet […]

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A Better Measure of Research From the Global South

Lebel, J. & McLean, R. (2018). A better measure of research from the global south. Nature, 559, 23-26. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-05581-4 Abstract Funders Jean Lebel and Robert McLean describe a new tool for judging the value and validity of science that attempts to improve lives. This is a good article for anyone interested in assessing the research […]

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Putting Our Best Faces Forward / Faire valoir nos atouts

At the University of Victoria, the Research Partnerships and Knowledge Mobilization unit (RPKM) is a campus and community-wide portal to support the development of transformative research. We bring outstanding researchers together with community partners to co-create knowledge for action –knowledge that is mobilized to improve the social, cultural and economic well-being of communities throughout our […]

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Rainwater research / Recherche sur l’eau de pluie

At the University of Victoria, the Research Partnerships and Knowledge Mobilization unit (RPKM) is a campus and community-wide portal to support the development of transformative research. We bring outstanding researchers together with community partners to co-create knowledge for action –knowledge that is mobilized to improve the social, cultural and economic well-being of communities throughout our […]

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Competencies and Skills for Knowledge Mobilization and Knowledge Exchange (Survey Request)

The following is a request for participation from David Phipps, RIR-York in his collaborative research project on priority competencies and skills for KMb and KE. https://goo.gl/r3INlw I am conducting a collaborative research project on priority competencies and skills for knowledge mobilization and knowledge exchange. My collaborators are Monica Batac (graduate student, Ryerson University), Julie Bayley […]

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Online Recruitment for Research Study on Knowledge Mobilization

Monica Batac, a graduate student, at Ryerson University is recruiting participants for a Q-study to assess priority competencies and skills for knowledge mobilization. Ryerson University’s Research Ethics Board has approved this study. Diverse participants from academic and non-academic organizations are invited to complete the survey. Potential participants include knowledge mobilization researchers, knowledge brokers, intermediaries, and […]

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The Advantages of Live Tweeting a Research Talk

This week’s guest post comes from Dr. Allison McDonald, an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Science at Wilfrid Laurier University. This post first appeared on her DoctorAl blog on April 14, 2015 and is reposted here with permission. Last week the undergraduate and graduate students in our department delivered 15-20 minute research talks at our […]

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Knowledge Mobilization Product Research / Recherche sur les résultats de la mobilisation des connaissances

Queen’s University student Amber Vance recently completed a three week placement at York University’s Knowledge Mobilization Unit where she researched knowledge translation products. Here are her reflections on the experience.  Amber Vance, une étudiante de l’Université Queen’s, a fait récemment un stage de trois semaines à l’Unité de mobilisation des connaissances de l’Université York, où elle […]

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At the Intersection of Community Engagement and Entrepreneurship / À l’intersection de l’engagement communautaire et de l’entrepreneuriat

We recently had the chance to present communityBUILD, York Region’s approach to supporting social ventures addressing food security and youth employment. There are a number of features that makes communityBUILD unique. Nous avons eu récemment l’occasion de présenter BATIRensemble, l’approche adoptée par la région de York pour appuyer les projets sociaux qui favorisent la sécurité […]

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