Le discours du Trône demande plus de mobilisation des connaissances pour le Canada

« Le discours du Trône ouvre chaque nouvelle session du Parlement. Il permet au gouvernement d’énoncer son orientation et ses objectifs, et de préciser la façon dont il compte les respecter. Le 23 novembre 2021, Son Excellence, la très honorable Mary Simon, gouverneure générale du Canada, a prononcé le discours du Trône ouvrant la première session de la […]

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Le sommet de 2021 réunit les perspectives des États-Unis et du Canada sur l’impact de la recherche

Le Center for Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS) et Réseau Impact Recherche Canada (RIRC) ont travaillé en collaboration pour organiser le 2021 Summit: Research Impact & Public Engagement at the Intersection of the Future Workforce (Sommet 2021 sur l’impact de la recherche et l’engagement du public à l’intersection de la future main-d’œuvre). Le Sommet […]

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La MdC dans un CV universitaire : comment mettre en valeur l’impact de vos recherches ?

Un texte de Julia Levin   On demande de plus en plus aux chercheuses et aux chercheurs de prouver l’impact de leurs travaux. Mais une fois que vous avez réussi à montrer les applications concrètes de vos recherches, comment faites-vous pour faire ressortir cette information dans votre CV ? Les membres du réseau Integrated Knowledge Translation […]

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Outcomes and Impacts of Development Interventions

Belcher, B. and Palenberg, M. (2018) Outcomes and Impacts of Development Interventions: Toward Conceptual Clarity. Am J. Eval. 39(4) 478-495. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1098214018765698   Abstract The terms “outcome” and “impact” are ubiquitous in evaluation discourse. However, there are many competing definitions that lack clarity and consistency and sometimes represent fundamentally different meanings. This leads to profound confusion, […]

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Building an impact literate research culture: Some thoughts for the KT Australia Research Summit

This week’s guest post is from Julie Bayley, Coventry University. It was originally published on her blog on November 12, 2016 and is reposted here with permission. I was delighted to be asked to speak at the KT Australia Research Impact Summit (November 2016). In my talk, I discussed many of the challenges of introducing […]

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Listening to the Stars: The Constellation Model of Collaborative Change

Surman, M. & Surman, T. (2008). Listening to the stars: The constellation model of collaborative change. Social Space: 24-29. https://marksurman.commons.ca/publications/listening-to-the-stars-the-constellation-model-of-collaborative-social-change/ “The Constellation Model of Collaborative Governance is a complexity-inspired framework designed to ‘hold’ collaborations within dynamic systems. Balancing chaos and order, energy and structure, the governance model supports multi-organization partnerships and networks within complex systems.” […]

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There Are No New Ideas Part 3: The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge

In this blog series I visit some old (and I mean old) literature to illustrate how ideas of knowledge mobilization and research impact have very deep roots. Part 3 looks at an essay by Abraham Flexner from 1939 (yes, 78 years ago). Abraham Flexner (1866-1959) was an American educator whose 1910 report is credited with […]

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La Trajectoire D’impact Codéterminée

L’Unité de mobilisation des connaissances de York produit régulièrement des articles scientifiques sur différents aspects de la mise en application du savoir universitaire. Sa publication la plus récente décrit un itinéraire permettant de passer de la recherche à l’impact, au moyen d’une démarche que les organismes de recherche peuvent employer pour superviser la progression de […]

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What is the Role of Scholarly Publishing in Research Impact? / Comment les publications savantes contribuent-elles à l’impact de la recherche ?

This was the question posed at the Society for Scholarly Publishing in a session on knowledge mobilization. Panelists spoke about the use of social media, videos and other forms of “creative dissemination” such as apps. David Phipps spoke about impacts of research beyond the academy derived from engaged methods of knowledge mobilization. C’est la question […]

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Critical Appraisal of Research Impact Pathways / Éloge critique des moyens d’amplifier l’impact de la recherche

David Phipps (RIR-York) and Julie Bayley (Coventry University) The National Institute for Health Research (UK) and the Association of Medical Research Charities held an impact forum on April 27, 2016. We were invited to kick at some of the popular impact pathways by asking five critical questions. Deux établissements britanniques, le National Institute for Health […]

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