KMb Journal Club / Le comité de lecture de la MdC

Every month, David Phipps (RIR-York) reviews a different academic journal article related to knowledge mobilization and posts his review, along with questions, on the ResearchImpact – Réseau Impact Recherche Journal Club page of our O3 space. Here is a summary of this month’s Journal Club entry.
Chaque mois, David Phipps (RIR-York) rend compte d’un article qui, paru dans un périodique universitaire, traite de la mobilisation des connaissances. Son compte rendu, accompagné de questions, est affiché sur la page Club de lecture du Réseau Impact Recherche/ResearchImpact Journal Club, dans notre espace O3. Voici un résumé de la lecture du mois.
This month’s article
Amo, C. (2007). Conceptualizing research impact: The case of education research. The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 22(1), 75-98.
Article abstract
This qualitative study aims at conceptualizing research impact generally by studying the specific case of research impact in the field of education. An analysis process akin to grounded theory was applied to the analysis of sections of reports provided by educational researchers. Literature on the subject of research impact was used to substantiate and complete the portrait of educational research impact that emerged from the data. The resulting conceptual framework proposes five interdependent stages, each one characteristic of certain categories of research impact that are typically interrelated in time and in terms of researcher control. It is hoped that this conceptual framework will help program evaluators and researchers tackle the larger task of uncovering and arguing the meaningfulness of alternative ways of measuring the impacts of research in the social sciences and humanities.
David’s full review of this article and his questions for knowledge brokers is available at Read the article and post your comments on the Journal Club page!