One by car and the other by air.

Anyway that gets us from Toronto to Fredericton is a good way to go. Coming on the heals of CAURA, CUExpo and CAHSPR, ResearchImpact-RéseauImpactRecherche is happy to be ending our Spring Roadshow with the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities. We have presented to health practitioners, community organizations and research administrators and now we get to speak with faculty, a key stakeholder group in knowledge mobilization.
Throughout this week you will read about our Congress adventures in this daily blog feature – Post Cards from Congress
– in which we provide sort KMb insights and connections to academic social science and humanities research. Follow us on twitter (@researchimpact) and join the conversation June 1 at the RIR tweet chat jointly hosted with the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Happy Congressing!