Our First Ten Years at Congress
Congress at Ryerson is winding down and ends tomorrow. For Research Impact Canada / Reseau Impact Recherche Canada this is our 10th year exhibiting and talking Knowledge Mobilization to researchers across Canada and other countries. Over the years we’ve experienced a growing understanding of what KMb is and how researchers can engage in KMb to maximize the impact of their scholarship.
In our early years, common questions were- Who are you? What is Research Impact Canada? What is knowledge mobilization? We’ve had skeptics visit, as well as champions and early adopters.
We exhibit close to our friends at SSHRC, who are kind enough to steer scholars over to us to share with them how universities across Canada are supporting KMb.
And now, 10 years into this network, were able to provide more sophisticated messages. We have peer reviewed papers, stories of success and samples of our tools to share. We network and meet others interested in this work. And all this, along with some basic questions about what KMb is makes the week worthwhile.
Saskatoon, Vancouver, Calgary, St. Catherine’s, Ottawa (twice), Victoria, Kitchener-Waterloo, Fredericton and Montreal are all the places we’ve visited and exhibited at since 2007.
We’re excited for the next 10 years as we promote our national network and advance knowledge mobilization as a critical function of making research relevant to society.