Post Cards From Congress – Day 2

Congress Day 2Day 2: BC. Ontario. Alberta. Manitoba. Quebec. Nova Scotia. Texas. Copenhagen. Ukraine. USA.
We chatted with people from across Canada and around the world. Again today we had another non-profit organization interested in partnering with academic researchers. Yesterday we spoke to an organization seeking information and expertise to help inform a curriculum for micro-finance in developing countries using a gender and sustainability lens. Today we spoke to a organization promoting education for students with disabilities.
It is interesting that we have had conversations with non-academic partner organizations. It might be this Congress and its location in downtown Toronto that attracts more non-profit organizations. Or it might be the increasing focus on collaborative research that brings non-profits to a traditionally scholarly space.
Either way it’s great to see organizations who want to work with academic researchers (faculty and students) coming to Congress to seek out potential research partners. That’s a new and welcome conversation at Congress.