Day 4 started out with Chad Gaffield, President of SSHRC speaking about Research On the Digital Economy. Researchimpact-RéseauImpactRecherche actively tweeted his remarks (a portion of which are shown below) throughout his talk which was followed by presentation from a number of the principal investigators of grants from the SSHRC Synthesis in the Digital Economy program. These researchers presented their findings and recommendations for a Canadian digital economy. Stay tuned to SSHRC for a synthesis of the syntheses and for all the syntheses to be posted. In the meantime, see the synthesis paper that involved David Phipps of ResearchImpact-York. The last chapter of this paper reviewed the intersection of digital technologies, knowledge mobilization and the engaged campus.

The afternoon featured a tweet up of some KMb/Congress/RIR tweeps including @jovanevery, @mcshanahan and @qui_oui (left to right in the picture below) with @Kmbeing joining by skype. Thanks to @qui-oui for organizing this. Don’t forget the KMb at Congress tweet chat June 1 at noon Eastern. More information can be found here.

After 42 visits and 24 substantive KMb conversations we headed to the Lobster cook and Kitchen Party. Good music, good lobster and great company with friends from SSHRC and Johanne Provencal from Simon Fraser University who was co-author of the synthesis paper linked above. Great end to an invigorating day.