Dale Anderson, RIR-UVic
Strategic outreach is vital if you want to affect policy, bring media attention to your work or spark a lifelong interest in science in everyone you meet. It’s also the only way you’ll be able to directly communicate the results of your work for social benefit.
Une approche stratégique est essentielle si vous voulez influencer les politiques, attirer l’attention des médias sur votre travail ou susciter un intérêt durable pour la science auprès de tous ceux que vous rencontrez. C’est aussi la seule manière qui vous permettra de communiquer de façon directe les résultats de vos travaux pour le bénéfice de la société.
Vous êtes invités à apprendre à parler de science lors d’une conférence à l’Université de Victoria en mai 2012. Après deux jours de sessions interactives, vous disposerez des outils pour affiner vos stratégies de communication en utilisant les astuces de scientifiques de haut niveau et de médias qui œuvrent en communication scientifique.
You’re invited to learn How To Talk About Science at a conference at the University of Victoria May 25-27, 2012. After two days of interactive sessions you’ll have the tools to fine-tune your outreach strategies using pointers from some of the top scientists and media working in science communications today.
The conference will follow a ‘track’ model, which will include general keynote sessions and panels. The panels link to themed breakout sessions which the attendees can choose.
Conference Tracks:
- Track A: Talking to the general public (key messages & methodology)
- Track B: Talking to the media (publicizing your work)
- Track C: Talking to the K-12 audience (education and messaging)
Track Keynotes:
- Track A: E. Paul Zehr, author “Becoming Batman” & “Inventing Iron Man” (general public)
- Track B: Bob McDonald, science journalist and host of CBC Radio “Quirks & Quarks” (science media)
- Track C: Bonnie Schmidt, President, “Let’s Talk Science” (K-12)
Early Bird Registration is now open and conference registration fees start at only $75 for trainees (Postdoctoral Fellows, Graduate and Undergraduate Students) and $150 for regular attendees.
Please see cbr.uvic.ca/conferences for information and a link to registration, or contact cfbr@uvic.ca with any questions.
Organized by the Centre for Biomedical Research at UVic, with assistance from the Knowledge Mobilization Unit.