December 3, York hosted it’s flagship KM in the AM event. Two things of note actually; we hosted (which we rarely do, we like to have these events in the surrounding community) and, it was a PM event. The chance to highlight our new space within the York Research Tower as well as being able to sufficiently host the group of 51 confirmed attendees supported our decision.
Given the size of this event, we adopted a panel format, allowing for multiple speakers (and multiple perspectives) to speak on the topic of Youth Engagement. Dr. Gordon Flett (Faculty of Health), Cathy Dandy (Kinark Child and Family Services), Jennifer McPhee and Elizabeth Brockest (Mobilizing Minds) and Sean Twyford (Ontario Ministry of Child and Youth Services) shared their experiences and perspectives on Youth Engagement and fielded questions from the audience, both informally and within the structured Q&A setting. After closing statements and reflections from our panelists, David Phipps launched the opening of the new community collaboration stations (work space within the KM Unit for community partners to access York libraries and work on collaborative KM projects), as well as the latest additions to the ResearchSnapshot library, which houses clear language research summaries on a wide array of topics designed as a calling card to help inform people about York research and researchers (read more about these new developments here).
The positive responses and the energy of the afternoon have already helped sown the seeds for a follow up event!
While the time, location and format may have slightly changed from events past, we’re delighted that the spirit of collaboration and interest in research, and knowledge mobilization is as strong as ever!
Be sure to check our web site for future KM in the AM events. In addition, if you have thoughts, ideas or reflections on this event, or past events, be sure to contact us at!