Research Impact Canada recently approved its Strategic and Operational Plan. Sure we’re 1/3 of the way through our 2017-2020 three year planning period. But the next two years are going to fly by.
Le Réseau Impact Recherche Canada vient d’adopter son Plan stratégique et opérationnel. C’est vrai que le tiers de notre calendrier triennal 2017-2020 est déjà derrière nous. Mais pour les deux années qui restent, on passe à la vitesse grand V.
As York University was named the Research Impact Canada (RIC) Lead Institution for a second and final term (2017-2020), we undertook a strategic planning process which included a SWOT analysis, a retreat with the Governance Committee and a Network wide prioritization. The ensuing Strategic and Operational Plan (we designed in operational elements to accompany the strategic activities) was approved by Executive Leads in May 2018.
The prioritization process was interesting. The top priority was membership growth followed by international engagement. One of the lowest prioritized activities was strategic planning – the very thing we were doing!
Membership growth is going well. Since September 2018 we have been joined by Western University, University of British Columbia, University of Alberta, Dalhousie University and University of Winnipeg, as well as our first international affiliate member, University of Brighton (UK). University of Brighton also helps us deliver on international engagement, which RIC is undertaking primarily with the National Alliance for Broader Impacts.
Some activities have been completed (revise evaluation plan) and many, like developing the research impact assessment tool, are in process.
And that’s the point of the Strategic and Operational Plan, to guide the activities of the Network so we can deliver on our mandate to “build institutional capacity to help Canada’s researchers and students span boundaries, collaborate, and connect their work to new services, products, processes, systems, public policies, and innovations with social, economic, cultural, environmental, commercial, and scientific value. “
Stay tuned for more!