David Phipps was recently at INORMS 2018 presenting on impact literacy with Julie Bayley (University of Lincoln). Emerald Publishing wrote about their presence at INORMS as they launched their new brand, “Real World Impact”. They also wrote about two new Impact tools, the Impact Literacy Handbook and the Institutional Healthcheck. See below for links to these tools.
This post was originally published by Emerald Publishing and is reposted here with permission.
What a wonderful few days we had at the INORMS 2018 conference last week. With a jam-packed schedule, over 1,100 international delegates and a social programme to rival any other, conference hosts ARMA (Association of Research Managers and Administrators) truly surpassed themselves.

We were delighted to see a hive of activity on the Emerald exhibition stand. Whether delegates were participating in an ‘impact voxpop,’ grabbing their copy of our newly launched workbooks or staking a claim on our impact mugs, we were kept on our toes both within the breaks and beyond.
INORMS 2018 also saw the launch of our Real Impact Awards, honouring the changemakers in the impact debate. Through these awards we will celebrate impact commitment across institutions, teams and individuals, and we welcome nominations from all stakeholders in impact. Further details of our awards can be found here.
Through our work with Dr Julie Bayley, Tony Roche, Director of Publishing & Strategic Relationships took part in a well-attended session mid-week, focused on the challenge of Institutional Impact Health. During the session, Tony highlighted our commitment to supporting our communities in the pursuit of Real Impact. This session also saw the launch of our Institutional Impact Health Workbook, developed in conjunction with Dr Julie Bayley and Dr David Phipps. Perhaps unsurprisingly, these proved so popular that we had to ship a second batch up to Edinburgh!

Last but by no means least was the wonderful gala dinner and INORMS Awards. From the INORMS Choir to the Red Hot Chilli Pipers, the incredible food to the wonderful ceilidh, this truly was a night to remember.
Congratulations to ARMA for such a successful INORMS 2018 and we look forward to INORMS 2020 hosted by Research Manager and Administrator Network Japan (RMAN-J) in Hiroshima!