Post Cards From Congress – Day 4

Congress tableWhat is knowledge mobilization?
I’ll be honest, it is not a question we get at our exhibitor booth too often anymore. Clearly, KMb has become more mainstream in the research culture. However, on occasion, we will get someone who drops by and says, “I’ve never heard of knowledge mobilization, what is it?”. This is important for us to know as we advance our understanding and messaging of KMb. There will always be some people for whom the term or the processes of KMb are new. I always appreciate when people drop by and ask questions like this. It challenges the assumptions we have as a network that has been around for over 10 years now.
Since Friday, we have had two people come by and ask this, one happening today. I invite anyone to drop by booth 15 at the Congress book fair and talk to us about knowledge mobilization. Your questions and stories help us and we hope our answers can help you.