Post Cards From Congress – Day 5

Why exhibit about Knowledge Mobilization?
Every year at Congress we’re set amongst numerous book publishers at the book fair. For 7 or 8 days we sit and engage researchers about Knowledge Mobilization and Research Impact Canada. But why do we do this?
Congress materialsKnowledge Mobilization has become increasingly important for researchers in Canada. It is an important component of federal research grant applications. Our booth is positioned close to SSHRC and we’re able to provide operational messages around the strategic importance they have placed on KMb in Canada. We’re able to tell researchers the scope of services available within Research Impact Canada and how our services can help them.
We are also sharing resources and publications that help advance people’s understanding of KMb. All this while still maintaining basic and introductory messages about what KMb is. As a national network who are leaders in KMb we see ourselves having a responsibility to engage, inform and support researchers around this work, especially for researchers who are affiliated with our member institutions.
And this ties in the third reason we exhibit; to seek to grow our network. Each year we speak with researchers from many Canadian universities, some colleges along with international universities. There’s also a growing number of non academic organizations and research collaborators who participate in Congress.
It has been fun over 10 years to speak with researchers and take part of a growing conversation around work that is having a positive impact on campuses and in communities across Canada.