Last Friday, YorkU’s KM Unit held their second annual Expo in Richmond Hill. The full day event focused on the topic « It’s All About Partnerships » and was attended by over 80 participants coming from York University, a variety of community organizations from across York Region and the GTA, municipal and provincial government agencies, as well as representatives from both York Region School Boards.
Highlights of the day included the morning keynote address from Angie Hart and Kim Aumann who came in from Brighton, England to speak about the University of Brighton’s Community-University Partnership Program (Cupp), the 3 break out sessions, the afternoon town hall discussion moderated by Murielle Gagnon, Director of Strategic Programs and Joint Initiatives at SSHRC, the KM Speakers Corner, the Unconference hour and Daniele Zanotti’s closing speech counting down the top 10 tips on partnership building from The Cat in the Hat and Machiavelli (look for the full list to be posted here soon).
Click here see the full day’s agenda and speaker presentations.
Did you attend the Expo? Use the comments feature to share your favourite KM Expo 2009 story.