Forum canadien sur la mobilisation des connaissances : une annonce excitante et une date à retenir

Ce billet a d’abord été publié sur le site Web de l’Institut pour la mobilisation des connaissances. Il est reproduit ici avec les permissions nécessaires. L’Institut pour la mobilisation des connaissances et le Réseau Impact Recherche Canada sont heureux d’annoncer leur collaboration stimulante qui assurera le succès et la vitalité futurs du Forum canadien de mobilisation […]

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Spécialistes de la mobilisation des connaissances – Réseau Impact Recherche Canada

Les spécialistes de la mobilisation des connaissances (nous en embauchons deux, tous deux situés à l’Université York) collaboreront avec le Réseau Impact Recherche Canada (RIRC), les institutions membres ainsi que le Conference Board du Canada (Cboc) pour opérationnaliser les engagements de RIRC en matière de mobilisation des connaissances pour le Centre des Compétences Futures (FSC). […]

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La rencontre annuelle du Réseau Recherche Impact Canada

Toronto, du 17 au 20 septembre 2019 : 30 « courtiers de connaissances » issus de 15 universités membres du RIC. Six personnes d’organisations partenaires. Trois dîners. Une expérience incroyable en mobilisation de connaissances.  Chaque année, les institutions membres du réseau Recherche Impact Canada se réunissent pour évaluer les progrès réalisés et pour planifier l’année à venir. […]

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Research Impact Canada Recognized as Canada’s Leading Knowledge Mobilization Network with Three New Member Institutions!

Research Impact Canada (RIC) is growing! Canada’s leading network of universities moving academic research off campuses and into our communities has welcomed the University of Winnipeg, University of Alberta and Dalhousie University as its newest official members. This brings the total to 17 member institutions from coast-to-coast – and an additional partner in the University […]

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Reshaping Resilience Practices: A Co-Production Approach

Summary of the impact: The Resilient Therapy model, co-produced with vulnerable children and adults and those who support them, is based on a review of evidence of what promotes resilience.  It is informing whole systems approaches in research, schools and across local areas in the UK and globally. The full story Resilient Therapy (RT) is […]

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Youth Criminal Justice in Canada Infographic Project

Suggested Photo (free for commercial use and no attribution required): Summary: This project brought together student researchers from the Research Shop, Community Engaged Scholarship Institute, University of Guelph and community partners from Family Counselling and Support Services for Guelph-Wellington and the Canadian Families and Corrections Network. Together, they created two infographics—one for youth justice […]

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Everyone Counts: Mobilizing Knowledges for the 2018 Saskatoon Point-in-Time Homelessness Count

Dr. Isobel M. Findlay, University Co-Director, Community-University Institute for Social Research, University of Saskatchewan Summary:  On April 18, 2018, a huge community effort combined in Saskatoon’s fourth Point-in-Time (PIT) Homelessness Count, its first in the national coordinated count. Knowledge mobilization before, during, and after the count ensured that everyone counts in preventing and ending homelessness. […]

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ResearchSnapshots, Evidence Exchange Network for Mental Health and Addictions (EENet)

Evidence Exchange Network (EENet) [] has partnered with the Knowledge Mobilization Unit at York University to produce Research Snapshots in the field of mental health and addictions in Ontario. EENet actively promotes the use of research evidence in decision-making by supporting engagement and connections between researchers and mental health and addictions stakeholders across Ontario. EENet […]

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Research Summary, Canadian Observatory on Homelessness

The Homeless Hub, developed by the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness (COH) [], houses nearly 30,000 resources on homelessness. Among these resources are a number of plain-language reports, E-books, tool kits, lesson plans, infographics and more, designed to be accessible and useful to anyone working, researching or legislating on homelessness. The Homeless Hub also produces clear […]

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ResearchSnapshots, Gambling Research Exchange Ontario (GREO)

Research Snapshots are plain language summaries of gambling and problem gambling literature. Monthly scans of gambling journals are conducted to find the most relevant knowledge. Peer-reviewed articles are then summarized to turn knowledge into action. GREO has partnered with Research Impact Canada to produce and validate the Research Snapshot template. The Snapshot format highlights the […]

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