La rencontre annuelle du Réseau Recherche Impact Canada

Toronto, du 17 au 20 septembre 2019 : 30 « courtiers de connaissances » issus de 15 universités membres du RIC. Six personnes d’organisations partenaires. Trois dîners. Une expérience incroyable en mobilisation de connaissances.  Chaque année, les institutions membres du réseau Recherche Impact Canada se réunissent pour évaluer les progrès réalisés et pour planifier l’année à venir. […]

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Whose Incentives and Whose Rewards?

This post by David Phipps, RIR-York, was first published on the Community Knowledge Exchange blog on August 6, 2014 and is reposted here with permission. I recently posted a Linked In discussion titled “It’s time to stop complaining about tenure and promotion and do something about it”. That post was based on the often cited barrier […]

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Communities of Practice and Communities of Definition / Communautés de pratique et communautés de définition

Bronwynne Wilton* & Anne Bergen**, RIR-University of Guelph What happens when a diverse group of academics and government staff get together to discuss the role of the knowledge broker in the research to action cycle?  Lots of different opinions of course!  And this is exactly what happened at a recent meeting of the Guelph Knowledge […]

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David Phipps’ Opening Address to the Community Sector in the United Kingdom / Mot d’ouverture de David Phipps à l’attention du milieu communautaire du Royaume-Uni

David Phipps, RIR- York David Phipps (RIR-York) was in the UK recently and included an address to open the annual general meeting of 3VA. 3VA is a Council for Voluntary Service, providing support for voluntary and community organizations across Eastboume, Lewes District and Wealden.  David was introduced as « the most influential knowledge broker in Canada […]

Lire la suite… from David Phipps’ Opening Address to the Community Sector in the United Kingdom / Mot d’ouverture de David Phipps à l’attention du milieu communautaire du Royaume-Uni

CU Expo 2011, May 10-14, 2011 / CU Expo 2011, du 10 au 14 mai 2011

We are excited to announce the upcoming CU Expo 2011 taking place in Waterloo this May, which will focus on Community-University Partnerships: Bringing global perspectives to local action. ResearchImpact will be leading a session on tools for knowledge mobilization on Friday, May 13th- hope to see you there! Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer […]

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Partnering for a better community: Living in York Region – A Community Indicators Project / En partenariat pour une meilleure communauté: Vivre dans la Région de York – Un projet d’indicateurs communautaires

By Michael Johnny (ResearchImpact York) York’s Knowledge Mobilization Unit is partnered in a three-year project to support the development of healthy communities in York Region. L’Unité de mobilisation des connaissances de York est engagée dans un projet en partenariat de trois ans visant à soutenir le développement de communautés en santé dans la Région de […]

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Partnership Practices Call for Posters

Shawna Reibling (ResearchImpact – Guelph) announces a call for posters for the upcoming Partnership Practices: Working with Community, Industry and Government event. See below for full details: As a new mobilizer at the University of Guelph, I want to get to know the projects, ideas and practices, especially in the area of partnerships, that are […]

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Q. What sits at the intersection of political participation and community engagement? A. Knowledge Mobilization

Hernando Rojas, H. and Puig-i-Abril, E. (2009) Mobilizers Mobilized: Information, Expression, Mobilization and Participation in the Digital Age. J. Computer-Mediated Communication, 14: 902–927. “We contend that through these mobilization efforts the mobilizer is ultimately mobilized.” Not even I could use the word mobilize or derivatives thereof that many times in a sentence. “We contend that […]

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♫Let it Grow, Let it Grow, Let it Grow♫

ResearchImpact announces growth in research summaries, community access, outreach and new web tools. Three recent stories speak to the continued development of KM services at York: Research Summaries and Community Collaboration Stations As reported in YFile on December 4, 2009, York announced the release of 40 additional ResearchSnapshot research summaries. This effectively doubles the number […]

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