Knowledge Mobilization Advice From SSHRC / Les recommandations du CRSH concernant la mobilisation des connaissances

Knowledge Mobilization advice from a research funder is necessarily generic but the advice provided by SSHRC is a great starting point for grant applicants to begin to craft a specific knowledge mobilization strategy. Just don’t leave it to the last day to start! Les recommandations des organismes de subventions concernant la mobilisation des connaissances (MdC) […]

Lire la suite… from Knowledge Mobilization Advice From SSHRC / Les recommandations du CRSH concernant la mobilisation des connaissances

McMaster University Takes Home 2017 SSHRC Award of Excellence for Communications

This week’s guest post first appeared on and is reposted here with permission. Research Snaps project presents social sciences and humanities research by asking simple questions and engaging readers in the results KELOWNA, BC, May 31, 2017 /CNW/ – What is this research about? What did the researchers find? How can people use it? […]

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Post Cards from Congress – Day 2 « This is so amazing »

Building your knowledge mobilization strategy in grant applications The audience at Congress is primarily faculty and students in the humanities and social sciences. And since every SSHRC grant requires a knowledge mobilization strategy today was filled with researchers asking how to create a knowledge mobilization plan. We shared the process we undertake at York while […]

Lire la suite… from Post Cards from Congress – Day 2 « This is so amazing »

SSHRC Strategic Plan Sets the Stage for Knowledge Mobilization / Le Plan stratégique du CRSH met la table pour la mobilisation des connaissances

Congratulations SSHRC on a new strategic plan. Implementing this plan will help social sciences and humanities research have an impact on the lives of Canadians. Toutes nos félicitations pour ce nouveau plan stratégique ! Grâce à lui, la recherche en sciences humaines et sociales aura encore plus d’impact sur la vie des Canadiens et des Canadiennes. […]

Lire la suite… from SSHRC Strategic Plan Sets the Stage for Knowledge Mobilization / Le Plan stratégique du CRSH met la table pour la mobilisation des connaissances

First Knowledge Synthesis Grants Workshop, May 2015

On May 5, 2015 SSHRC hosted a meeting of knowledge synthesis grant recipients. Knowledge synthesis grants fund researchers and their teams to assesses and communicate the state of the art of knowledge on particular topics of relevance to public policy. Holding a meeting of researchers isn’t new for SSHRC. What is different is SSHRC invited […]

Lire la suite… from First Knowledge Synthesis Grants Workshop, May 2015

Post Cards from Congress – Day 6

Oh The Places You Will Go It’s not the first time we’ve borrowed from Dr. Seuss.  As Congress is winding down and there are some quieter moments for reflection, it is nice to look back on the week that was and this eighth year for RIR at Congress which is soon to pass. This year, […]

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Arts Based Knowledge Mobilization and the Role of Theatre / Le rôle du théâtre dans la mobilisation des connaissances par les arts

Theatre has a long tradition of being used as a vehicle of social influence like the morality plays of medieval and Tudor times. Theatre is an example of arts based knowledge mobilization and is an entertaining and engaging way to convey complex research informed messages. Le théâtre sert depuis longtemps de vecteur d’influence sociale – […]

Lire la suite… from Arts Based Knowledge Mobilization and the Role of Theatre / Le rôle du théâtre dans la mobilisation des connaissances par les arts

Building a Stronger Future for Canadian Children and Youth Through Social Innovation / L’innovation sociale aide à bâtir un meilleur avenir pour les enfants et les jeunes du Canada

This story was originally posted on the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences blog on March 12, 2014 and is reposted here with permission. Ce récit a été publié la première fois sur le site Fédération des Sciences Humaines, le 12 mars 2014. Il est repris ici avec permission. Version française disponible ici. David J. Phipps, Executive […]

Lire la suite… from Building a Stronger Future for Canadian Children and Youth Through Social Innovation / L’innovation sociale aide à bâtir un meilleur avenir pour les enfants et les jeunes du Canada

Imagining Canada’s Future: Mobilizing Inuit Cultural Heritage

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council invites you to look at vital questions impacting Canadians over the next 5, 10 and 20 years… Question: “What knowledge do we need to thrive in an interconnected landscape and how can emerging technology help leverage that goal and its benefits?” Answer: We need Information and Communication Technologies […]

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Imagining Canada’s Future: Insights from the University of Guelph, a SSHRC Regional Event

Together with members of the Research Impact (RIR) partnership from Laurier, Carleton & York, the Institute for Community Engaged Scholarship (ICES) at the University of Guelph, has secured funding for a SSHRC Future Challenges regional event. This collaborative venture involves  four local events (one for each institutional partner), to be held on sequential days, all in the third week […]

Lire la suite… from Imagining Canada’s Future: Insights from the University of Guelph, a SSHRC Regional Event