First Knowledge Synthesis Grants Workshop, May 2015

On May 5, 2015 SSHRC hosted a meeting of knowledge synthesis grant recipients. Knowledge synthesis grants fund researchers and their teams to assesses and communicate the state of the art of knowledge on particular topics of relevance to public policy. Holding a meeting of researchers isn’t new for SSHRC. What is different is SSHRC invited […]

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Awards for Trainees: Gender, Sex and Health Knowledge Translation Supplements / Bourses aux stagiaires: Suppléments aux stagiaires pour l’application des connaissances sur le genre, le sexe et la santé de l’ISFH

Awards for Trainees:  Gender, Sex and Health Knowledge Translation Supplements CIHR Institute of Gender and Health (IGH) Institute Community Support Program 2013-2014 Application deadline: October 1, 2013 In keeping with our commitment to investing in world-class research excellence, the CIHR Institute of Gender and Health (IGH) is interested in training and sustaining a strong and […]

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Webinar- Why research administrators should care about knowledge mobilization and what you can do about it

David Phipps, RIR York, will be hosting a webinar on February 14 as part of CAURA’s webinar series. See below for more details: CAURA Webinar Session 34 Presents: Why research administrators should care about knowledge mobilization and what you can do about it With David J. Phipps, Ph.D., MBA Director, Research Services & Knowledge Exchange, […]

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It’s official! SSHRC announces Public Outreach Grant to support Knowledge Mobilization for Climate Change project.

If you live in a municipality in the GTA you’ll be pleased to know that municipal employees will now have access to academic research and expertise to inform decisions that affect your life. We previously told you about an exciting YorkU knowledge mobilization climate change project.  In that post, Chandra Sharma of TRCA underscored the […]

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Message to SSHRC: as you remodel the house don’t forget the foundation

Renovations are all the rage. Witness the Home Improvement Tax Credit (I’m looking forward to my $1,350 that will help pay for the new furnace, air conditioner and water heater), all the DIY shows on Home & Garden Channel and the boom in stores like Home Depot, Rona and Lowes. SSHRC has jumped on the […]

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These are the KM Daves I know I know

SSHRC KIS/Cluster meeting: Day 2 (October 23, 2009) Recharged after a good nights sleep in the Albert @ Bay Hotel, the 34 knowledge brokers reassembled to continue the dialogue on KM, research and the services to support them both. One message we heard repeatedly on Day 1 was the need for institutional infrastructure to support […]

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Thirty four mobilizers walk into a bar…

SSHRC invited 34 knowledge mobilization projects from their Knowledge Impact in Society and SSHRC Clusters to a workshop in Ottawa October 22-23. Day 1: Not being challenged by systemic introversion our mob of mobilizers (mostly academic leaders, some project coordinators and two lone staff leading institutional knowledge mobilization services at York and Memorial) had no […]

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