Ontario Shores

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Name: Mary Chiu
Title: Knowledge Mobilization Specialist
Email: chium@ontarioshores.ca

Name: Tim Pauley
Title: Director, Research & Academics
Email: pauleyt@ontarioshores.ca

Ontario Shores is one of four standalone mental health hospitals in the province of Ontario, offering specialized mental health services to more than 8,500 service users annually. The research program at Ontario Shores largely focusses on applied research advancing service users engagement, a culture of innovation and discovery.  Leveraging RIC networks, resources and expertise, Ontario Shores will evaluate system impact of Recovery College expansion to two populations: post-secondary students and adult. Another main objective is to develop an integrated knowledge mobilization model that directly engages clinicians, our services users and their families, and communities that we serve, in driving clinical practice change and support evaluation of impact on quality of care and user-experience.