A New Twist to YorkU KM in the AM

For those of you who have been able to attend one of York University’s KM in the AM events, you will know the reward for early mornings are a nice, hot breakfast along with the chance to engage with researchers and community leaders. Research speed dating is one metaphor we have heard used to describe […]

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Reflections from the 2010 KMb Retreat

August 30, the entire KMb team at York University spent the day at Toronto’s Centre for Social Innovation planning for the coming academic year. This has become an annual exercise; the team heads offsite for some unstructured planning and development discussion. A special shoutout to Elizabeth Monier Williams, Research Communications Officer for York’s Office of […]

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York responds to the knowledge mobilization evaluation

Like most service units York’s Knowledge Mobilization (KMb) Unit counts lots of stuff. We count every presentation we make according to the audience, we count numbers of requests for service, we count students, web hits, tweets, students engaged with non-academic research stakeholders and, of course, we count money. What has this shown? We’ve brokered over […]

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Social Inclusion for Health and Well Being in Program Evaluation – Thursday, April 30

The York Institute of Health Research led a dynamic and participatory conference that drew a capacity audience of almost 100 registrants. Supported by the Ministry of Research and Innvoaiton and York University, YIHR is home to an emerging Evaluation Unit that will be offering evaluation services and capacity building. The KM Unit at York was […]

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