Rethinking knowledge translation for public health policy

Fafard, P., and Hoffman, S.J. (2020) Rethinking knowledge translation for public health policy. Evidence and Policy. 16(1): 165-175.   Abstract There is continuing interest in using the best available research evidence to inform public health policy. However, all too often efforts to do so rely on mechanistic and unrealistic views of the process by […]

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Systems Approaches to Knowledge Mobilization / Les approches systémiques de la mobilisation des connaissances

David Phipps, RIR – York York University, on behalf of the ResearchImpact-RéseauImpactRecherche (RIR) network, was consulted by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) as they researched organizations who were taking a systems approach to knowledge mobilization. They have allowed us to comment on and post their report in Mobilize This! L’Université York, en tant […]

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