Knowledge Mobilization and Communications / La mobilisation des connaissances et la communication

Michael Johnny, RIR-York There is a relationship between knowledge mobilization and communications but it is unclear and is highly contextual.  Within the last month there has been much discussion on this. Il y a un lien entre la mobilisation des connaissances et la communication, mais il n’est pas clair et hautement influencé par le contexte. […]

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The International School of Research Impact Assessment, Barcelona, September 15-19 / The International School of Research Impact Assessment, Barcelone, du 15 au 19 septembre

The International School of Research Impact Assessment will be held in Barcelona, Spain, on September 15-19, 2013. Kathryn Graham, a co-organizer of the five day school, shares some information about this exciting event in this guest post. La première rencontre de « l’École internationale d’évaluation de l’impact de la recherche » a eu lieu à Barcelone, en Espagne, du […]

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Social Media as a Tool to Disseminate ASD Mental Health Research / Les médias sociaux comme outils pour diffuser la recherche en santé mentale sur les troubles du spectre de l’autisme

Jonathan Weiss, Faculty of Health and CIHR Chair in Autism Spectrum Disorders Treatment and Care Research, York University Michael Johnny, RIR York A commitment to social media can help support important messages in research being shared to diverse audiences.  L’emploi des médias sociaux peut favoriser la diffusion à des publics divers d’importants messages issus de […]

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Collaborating for Social Good / Collaborer pour le bien collectif

David Phipps, RIR-York What happens when 88 people get together to talk social innovation? You get the start of a Regional and systems level response to address persistent social challenges. You also get to dance! Que se passe-t-il lorsque 88 personnes se rassemblent pour discuter d’innovation sociale? Vous obtenez l’émergence d’une réponse à des défis […]

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Scientists Who Engage With Society Perform Better Academically

Jensen, P., Rouquier, J-B., Kreimer, P. and Coissant, Y. (2008). Scientists who engage with society perform better academically. Science and public policy 7, 35. 527-541. Abstract Today, most scientific institutions acknowledge the importance of opening the so-called “ivory tower” of academic research through popularization, industrial innovation or teaching. However, little is known about the actual […]

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Social Media for Research / Les médias sociaux pour la recherche

David Phipps, RIR-York Can you use social media in your research? Yes! Can you build capacity among research administrators to help researchers use social media in you research? Yes, and Krista Jensen (@atomickitty) shows you how. Pouvez-vous utiliser les médias sociaux dans vos recherches? Oui! Pouvez-vous développer les compétences des administrateurs de la recherche afin […]

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Still Trying to Keep it Simple / Toujours essayer de garder les choses simples

David Phipps, RIR-York Is a picture worth a thousand words? David Phipps tries to explain knowledge mobilization and social innovation more succinctly than that. Une image vaut-elle mille mots? David Phipps tente d’expliquer la mobilisation des connaissances et l’innovation sociale de façon plus succincte que cela. On March 13, 2013, I published that knowledge mobilization […]

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