The open academic: Why and how business academics should use social media to be more ‘open’ and impactful

Ian P. McCarthy, I.P. and Bogers, M.L.A.M. (2023) The open academic: Why and how business academics should use social media to be more ‘open’ and impactful. Business Horizons, 66 (1): 153-166. Abstract The mission of Business Horizons is to publish research that practitioners can understand to help them change their thoughts and actions. However, […]

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Social Media Strategies for Research

On January 16, 2020 , Krista Jensen, Knowledge Mobilization Officer at York University, shared her practice on helping researchers use social media to mobilize their research and build partnerships. Topics included how to create a social media strategy, effective ways of using social media and how to measure and evaluate social media activities. […]

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Social Media & Research Unconference: What works? What’s next?

When is the Unconference?: Tuesday, May 16th, 2017, 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM (day before the Canadian Knowledge Mobilization Forum #CKF17) Where is the Unconference?: Four-Points by Sheraton Gatineau-Ottawa Will there be food? Yes! Refreshments (coffee/tea/juice/snacks) and lunch are provided. Who should attend? People interested in learning and sharing about social media and research. You […]

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Webinar on Social Media for Knowledge Mobilization/Knowledge Translation

This week’s guest post comes from the KT Core-ner, NeuroDevNet’s KT Blog. It was first published on February 1, 2016 and is reposted here with permission.  This past week on Wednesday January 27, 2016 NeuroDevNet’s KT Core hosted a one hour interactive webinar entitled “Social Media for Knowledge Mobilization” featuring KT Core Lead, Dr. David […]

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LinkedIn for Knowledge Translation: Using Groups for Networking

This week’s guest post written by Issac Coplan, comes from the NeuroDevNet KT blog KT Core-ner. It was originally published on March 6, 2015 and is reposted here with permission.  Networking is important to knowledge translation (KT), as relationships are a key part of KT processes. This is where social media can be useful in […]

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The Role of Twitter in the Life Cycle of a Scientific Publication

Darling, E. S., Shiffman, D., Côté, I. M., Drew, J. A. (2013). The role of Twitter in the life cycle of a scientific publication. PeerJ PrePrints, 1. Abstract Twitter is a micro-blogging social media platform for short messages that can have a long-term impact on how scientists create and publish ideas. We investigate the […]

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Practicing New Skills and New Vocabularies: Reflections on Student Training in Knowledge Mobilization: Part 1 / Nouvelles habiletés et nouveaux vocabulaires en pratique : réflexions sur la formation des étudiants en mobilisation des connaissances (1re partie)

Rachel Salt, Brianne Brady, and Anne Bergen, Institute for Community Engaged Scholarship, University of Guelph, Knowledge mobilization is an emerging field of practice, and there are currently relatively few explicit knowledge mobilization training opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. However, this perceived gap is due, in part, to a naming problem – although relatively few students […]

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Confessions of a tweeter / Confessions d’une twitteuse

Cathy Malcolm Edwards, RIR – Carleton Cathy Malcolm Edwards, Research Facilitator, Institutional Initiatives at Carleton University and member of RIR, talks about her introduction to social media and the twitterverse.  Cathy Malcolm Edwards, coordonnatrice de recherches au Service des projets universitaires de la Carleton University et membre du RIR, raconte son initiation aux médias sociaux […]

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KT Post Cards from #BRAIN2013 – Day 1 – Diversity

By David Phipps (RIR-York, writing as NeuroDevNet KT Core Lead) The Knowledge Translation (KT) Core for NeuroDevNet, a network of centres of excellence focused on research, training and KT for childhood neurodevelopmental disorders, is busy making connections at the 2013 Brain Conference. Hosted by York University’s Knowledge Mobilization (KMb) Unit, David Phipps (KT Core – […]

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Knowledge Mobilization for New Graduate Students / La mobilisation des connaissances et les étudiants des cycles supérieurs

Shawna Reibling, RIR – Laurier Educating new graduate students about knowledge mobilization is a good way to educate the next generation of professors about knowledge mobilization principles and ensure that graduate students are prepared to make a difference in the world.  En faisant connaître la mobilisation des connaissances à ceux et celles qui commencent leurs […]

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