Registration is now open for the second iteration of the Certificate in Knowledge Mobilization! This online professional development certificate builds capacity to turn knowledge into action and support the development of evidence-based policy and practice.
This fall, join other knowledge professionals in Inform: Processes of knowledge translation and dissemination (October 1 to November 25, 2018). “Inform” is the first of three online courses offered in the University of Guelph Certificate in Knowledge Mobilization. It provides an overview of the theories and practices involved in the creation, sharing and uptake of evidence. Participants will learn how to enhance awareness of and accessibility to relevant evidence, explore the processes of knowledge creation, synthesis, and translation, and learn to use different techniques and products to share evidence.
Register by August 31, 2018 and take advantage of early bird savings!
Thank you for sharing this in your networks! For more information, visit us at www.knowledgemobilization.ca.