What Happened: You have heard about KMb in Action. In response to one request from our web survey, we developed success stories of KMb in practice featuring stories of university researchers and their non-academic partners. Our online community also asked for greater access to KMb resources. We have expanded our web links section to become a new site called “KMb Bookmarks”. This section presents the latest KMb bookmarks that the ResearchImpact team has bookmarked through delicious, the social bookmarking site (see all of our delicious bookmarks at delicious.com/ResearchImpact). Our latest bookmarks are displayed as well as the tag cloud of all the 106 ResearchImpact bookmarks tagged with 195 tags.
Click on a tag and you’ll be taken to those bookmarks that are of interest to you. Click on one of the delicious links and you get to the site you’re interested in.
Why is it important: Social bookmarking is a way for ResearchImpact to share resources we think will be useful and interesting to you. You can also create your own delicious site and share your own interesting bookmarks with ResearchImpact.
Final Thoughts: Delicious is one more social networking tool that we are exploring for knowledge mobilization for Canada. Each year at Congress we release new web features. This year’s features, including the delicious KMb bookmarks, are responding to your needs. Thanks for your input.
David Phipps of RI-RIR York at the Congress 2010 booth