The Pedagogic Guide to KMb : an invaluable resource for graduate students

Dancause, Luc. “Guide pédagogique sur la mobilisation des connaissances.” (2023). Summary of the original document in French Written by Louis Melançon, Research Assistant at Research Impact Canada University students are increasingly asked to apply their research results to concrete use and to acquire a better understanding of the needs expressed by civil society groups. […]

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The Rourke Baby Record: 40 years of knowledge mobilization in family medicine

Summary of the original article in French Written by Louis Melançon, Research Assistant at Research Impact Canada The Rourke Baby Record (RBR) is a document intended to help family physicians and other healthcare professionals guide their preventive care for young children, from birth to 5 years of age. Created in 1979 by doctors James […]

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Knowledge Mobilization in the Canadian North: Portrait of the ArcticNet Project

Written by Louis Melançon, Research Assistant at Research Impact Canada The Canadian North is undergoing significant transformations. Climate change, industrialization and modernization deeply affect the people who live there, as well as local ecosystems and their resources. ArcticNet is a network of Canadian Centers of Excellence that brings together scientific experts, engineers, government agencies and […]

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Knowledge transfer among graduate students: Perceptions and practices reflecting a paradigm shift in Quebec?

Summary of the original article: Written by Louis Melançon, Research Assistant at Research Impact Canada The rise of neoliberal ideology and university funding reforms in recent years have created an environment where research is increasingly expected to translate into concrete benefits for society. Thus, federal granting agencies in Canada have integrated knowledge mobilization into […]

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The demand for evidence in the Canadian public service

Written by Louis Melançon, Research assistant at Research Impact Canada Bédard, Pierre-Olivier, et Alexandra Mallett. “La demande pour des données probantes au sein de la fonction publique canadienne.” Démocratie et politiques publiques (2019): 229. How does evidence influence policy decisions in Canada? In a chapter of Démocratie et politiques publiques, published in 2019 under the direction of […]

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Knowledge mobilization in French in Canada: Portrait of Équipe RENARD

Written by Louis Melançon, Research Assistant at Research Impact Canada Here we publish the first in a series of portraits on different French-speaking groups and organizations working in the field of knowledge mobilization and transfer in Canada. Today, we introduce Équipe RENARD, affiliate of the Université de Montréal in Quebec. —— Équipe RENARD (Recherche sur […]

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Knowledge mobilization between 2010 and 2020 in Quebec: overview and achievements

Dancause, Luc. “ Diagnostic de l’expertise québécoise dans le domaine de la mobilisation des connaissances [Assessment of expertise in Quebec in the field of knowledge mobilization]. ” (October 2020). In the wake of the publication of its Cadre sur le bilinguisme [Bilingualism framework], in which it commits to make more room for French content, Research Impact […]

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Knowledge transfer in the social field: introduction and state of the art of a new research field

Dagenais, Christian, and Émilie Robert. Le transfert des connaissances dans le domaine social. Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2012. On June 21, 2011, more than fifty actors from the Quebec knowledge transfer (KT) community met in Montreal. Bringing together three categories of stakeholders – university researchers, organizations working in the field of KT, and […]

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