Understanding, measuring, and encouraging public policy research impact

Williams K, Lewis JM. (2021) Understanding, measuring, and encouraging public policy research impact. Aust J Publ Admin 2021;1−11. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8500.12506 Abstract Academics undertaking public policy research are committed to tackling interesting questions driven by curiosity, but they generally also want their research to have an impact on government, service delivery, or public debate. Yet our ability […]

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Knowledge mobilization: Stepping into interdependent and relational space using co-creation.

Skipper, Y. and Pepler, D. (2021) Knowledge mobilization: Stepping into interdependent and relational space using co-creation. Action Research. 19(3) 588–605. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1476750320960810 Abstract In recent years, there has been a growing interest in using co-creation approaches, with academics and partners working together to create research and interventions to achieve impact. Action research typically starts with the […]

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Filling the gap between evidence, policy and practice: are 45 and Up Study researchers planning for impact?

Ha TC, McNamara M, Melo L, Frost EK, Moore GM. Filling the gap between evidence, policy and practice: are 45 and Up Study researchers planning for impact? Public Health Res Pract. 2022; Online early publication. Published 18 May 2022. https://doi.org/10.17061/phrp32122207 Abstract Aim: To improve health outcomes, policy and practice decisions should be guided by relevant […]

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Writing impact case studies: a comparative study of high-scoring and low-scoring case studies from REF2014

Reichard, B., Reed, M.S., Chubb, J. et al. Writing impact case studies: a comparative study of high-scoring and low-scoring case studies from REF2014. Palgrave Commun 6, 31 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-020-0394-7 Abstract This paper reports on two studies that used qualitative thematic and quantitative linguistic analysis, respectively, to assess the content and language of the largest ever […]

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Assessing research excellence: Evaluating the Research Excellence Framework

Mehmet Pinar, Timothy J Horne, Assessing research excellence: Evaluating the Research Excellence Framework, Research Evaluation, Volume 31, Issue 2, April 2022, Pages 173–187, https://doi.org/10.1093/reseval/rvab042 Abstract Performance-based research funding systems have been extensively used around the globe to allocate funds across higher education institutes (HEIs), which led to an increased amount of literature examining their use. […]

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Is implementation research out of step with implementation practice? Pathways to effective implementation support over the last decade

This is a guest post from Joann Cattlin, PhD Student, College of Global, Urban and Social Studies RMIT University. Joann is reviewed the following article: Metz, A., Jensen, T., Farley, A., & Boaz, A. (2022). Is implementation research out of step with implementation practice? Pathways to effective implementation support over the last decade. Implementation Research and […]

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Pursuing impact in research: towards an ethical approach

Bærøe, K., Kerasidou, A., Dunn, M. et al. Pursuing impact in research: towards an ethical approach. BMC Med Ethics 23, 37 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12910-022-00754-3 Abstract Background: Research proactively and deliberately aims to bring about specific changes to how societies function and individual lives fare. However, in the ever-expanding field of ethical regulations and guidance for researchers, […]

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Conceptualizing the elements of research impact: towards semantic standards

Belcher, B., Halliwell, J. Conceptualizing the elements of research impact: towards semantic standards. Humanities and Social Science Communications. 8, 183 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-021-00854-2. Abstract Any effort to understand, evaluate, and improve the impact of research must begin with clear concepts and definitions. Currently, key terms to describe research results are used ambiguously, and the most common […]

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Community Partners’ Satisfaction with Community-Based Learning Collaborations

Karasik, R.J. and Hafner, E. S. (2021) “Community Partners’ Satisfaction with Community-Based Learning Collaborations,” Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship: Vol. 14 (1), Article 1. https://digitalcommons.northgeorgia.edu/jces/vol14/iss1/1 Abstract Community-university partnerships offer the potential for a number of mutual benefits, yet working with institutions of higher education can pose unique challenges for community participants. To better understand […]

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Directing Research Toward Health Equity: A Health Equity Research Impact Assessment

Castillo, E.G. and Harris, C. 2021. Directing Research Toward Health Equity: A Health Equity Research Impact Assessment. J GEN INTERN MED 36, 2803–2808. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-021-06789-3  Abstract  Despite medical research advancements, inequities persist, as research has enhanced the health of some while leaving many communities untouched. Reforms are needed to direct research toward health equity, both during […]

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