Postcards from Congress – Day 7: Thanks to WLU and UW

So, it’s our last day (and a short one at that)! But even though it’s only a two hour window here at the Book Fair, there is opportunity for conversation. Take earlier this morning, for example- a visitor from the University of Waterloo who had “Mr. Congress” on his nametag! Last evening we had a […]

Lire la suite… from Postcards from Congress – Day 7: Thanks to WLU and UW

Post Cards from Congress Day 6 – Congress is a Marathon

On day six of Congress, the second last day, we have rain. Union Station in Toronto is flooded. Waterloo airport is cancelling flights. And the book fair is quiet with scholars staying dry and collaborating in their own scholarly associations on University of Waterloo campus and avoiding the cold wet trek to Wilfrid Laurier University […]

Lire la suite… from Post Cards from Congress Day 6 – Congress is a Marathon

Post Cards from Congress Day 5 – Le nerf de la guerre

Le nerf de la guerre. Anglophones, please google « nerf de la guerre ».  It translates loosely to « the nerve of the war ». It has little do with war or nerves but you’ll not learn that on google.  It has the intent of meaning « the essence of… » or the core idea or principle of…. « Le nerf de […]

Lire la suite… from Post Cards from Congress Day 5 – Le nerf de la guerre

Post Cards from Congress – Day 4

Traffic at the ResearchImpact/RéseauImpactRechereche (RIR) booth has been steady and we have engaged with researchers from universities across Canada who have expressed interest in knowledge mobilization (KMb) and the RIR network.  And while our pens (thanks, York Research), luggage tags (thanks, Memorial University’s yaffle project) and our candy have been popular swag, it has been […]

Lire la suite… from Post Cards from Congress – Day 4

Post Cards from Congress – Day 3: Thinking Pan-Canadian

There are lots of pan-Canadian scholarly associations at Congress. There are lots of book sellers and publishers at Congress. There are lots of individual scholars talking about their projects at Congress. And there are three pan-Canadian organizations that support them with a presence in the book fair, the agora of Congress: Social Sciences & Humanities […]

Lire la suite… from Post Cards from Congress – Day 3: Thinking Pan-Canadian

Post Cards from Congress – Day 2

Day 2 was a day of connecting and re-connecting. We first welcomed Bojan Fürst to the ResearchImpact-RéseauImpactRecherche booth at Congress.  In 2011, Bojan joined the Harris Centre at Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador as manager of Knowledge Mobilization. You can read more about Bojan in the Harris Centre’s newsletter The Regional.  In Bojan’s words, […]

Lire la suite… from Post Cards from Congress – Day 2

Post Cards from Congress – Day 1

Congress Day 1 was a Governor General Day. See our blog on this announcing His Excellency’s appearance at Congress. As mentioned in the Governor General’s media advisory, ResearchImpact-RéseauImpactRecherche (RIR) has been working with SSHRC and United Way Centraide Canada to develop the Community-Campus Collaboration’s Initiative.  In his Keynote Address to Congress titled “A True Democracy […]

Lire la suite… from Post Cards from Congress – Day 1