Incremental Changes to the Co-Produced Pathway to Impact

This week’s guest post comes from Stephen MacGregor @Steve_KMbRI, who is a Phd student in the Faculty of Education at Queen’s University.  In response to the recent post about evolving the Co-Produced Pathway to Impact (CPPI), several incremental changes to the pathway are discussed. In line with the continual progression in thinking about how research […]

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Evolving the Co-Produced Pathway to Impact / Document conjoint sur la trajectoire vers l’impact : toujours plus de précision

In 2016, we published the co-produced pathway to impact (CPPI) with PREVNet to describe the processes that supported research to impact. Working with Kids Brain Health Network, KMb York has made some small and not so small additions to the pathway. En 2016, l’Unité de mobilisation des connaissances (MdC) de York publiait en collaboration avec […]

Lire la suite… from Evolving the Co-Produced Pathway to Impact / Document conjoint sur la trajectoire vers l’impact : toujours plus de précision