Name: Alex Elkins
Title: Director of Research, Enterprise and Innovation
Name: Patrick Callaghan
Title: Associate PVC Research
London South Bank University was established in 1892 with a mission to provide education and services that improve access to opportunity for the people of south London and applied research and enterprise activity that advances their businesses. Our commitment to education, research and enterprise and the needs of our community remains at the heart of LSBU’s identity.
With an emphasis on real-world impact through insight and engagement with place, the LSBU Group Corporate Strategy 2020–2025 commits the University to producing research and innovation that tackles global and civic challenges, generating critical insights, and sustainable solutions to transform the lives of individuals, communities, businesses and society, with the ultimate aim of producing £5 billion of economic impact by 2025. Through continued and increased investment in these key areas, LSBU will drive research, knowledge exchange and innovation provision to deliver £50m in Research and Enterprise income by 2025.
In line with national priorities and supporting ideas, people and place, LSBU shares its campus with the boroughs of Southwark, Lambeth and, more recently, Croydon. All three boroughs experience higher than average levels of pay inequality and unemployment, further highlighting the hyper-local challenges for LSBU’s community and the growing role of LSBU as an anchor institution and mobilizer of knowledge, supporting the development of businesses, skills and human capital.