Knowledge mobilization (KMb) is an important part of the research process. It is the process of translating knowledge to increase research uptake and inform decisions, while also connecting researchers and their work to organizations and communities. Taking a KMb course can help you integrate KMb strategies into your organization. It can help you understand the key skills of stakeholder engagement, while supporting the development of evidence-based policies and programs.
To learn more about it, see below for a list of of KMb courses offered throughout Canada:
Click here to learn more about some of the KMb courses offered in Canada
Updated in February 2022
Check out those new courses, developed by the University of Montreal’s Équipe Renard:
- Knowledge Translation 2 – Policy Brief
- Host: University of Montreal, Équipe Renard
- Language: English or French
- Location: Online
- Cost: Free
- Audience: Anyone wanting to conduct knowledge transfer activities.
- Main objective: Develop your skills for creating efficient, credible and convincing policy briefs.
- Key features: The efforts made to make scientific knowledge available are necessary, but not sufficient, for their actual use in practice communities for social issues. This course aims to help bridge this gap.
- Introduction to Knowledge Translation (now available in ENGLISH)
- Host: University of Montreal, Équipe Renard
- Language: English or French
- Location: Online
- Cost: Free
- Audience: Anyone wanting to conduct knowledge translation activities.
- Main objective: Understand the basic concepts of knowledge translation, as well as strategy, presentation abilities for non-expert audiences, and tool design.
- Key features: The process leading to the use of knowledge is so complex that science and research still barely get taken into account in practice and decision-making communities. This course aims to introduce some key solutions to this problem.