How can impact strategies be developed that better support Universities to address 21st Century challenges?

Reed, M., Gent, S., Seballos, F., Glass. J., Hansda, R. and Fische-Møller, M. How can impact strategies be developed that better support Universities to address 21st Century challenges? Manuscript under review in Research for All.  [downloaded December 31, 2021]. Abstract As research funders and governments around the world seek to demonstrate societal impact from […]

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Q. What sits at the intersection of political participation and community engagement? A. Knowledge Mobilization

Hernando Rojas, H. and Puig-i-Abril, E. (2009) Mobilizers Mobilized: Information, Expression, Mobilization and Participation in the Digital Age. J. Computer-Mediated Communication, 14: 902–927. “We contend that through these mobilization efforts the mobilizer is ultimately mobilized.” Not even I could use the word mobilize or derivatives thereof that many times in a sentence. “We contend that […]

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