communityBUILD / BÂTIR ensemble

David Phipps, RIR-York CommunityBUILD is a unique partnership between community, business and the university that is creating a system of supports for social enterprise in York Region. Combining the assets of different sectors creates opportunities that none could support working alone. BÂTIR ensemble est un partenariat unique entre la communauté, le monde des affaires et […]

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communityBUILD Mash-Up

United Way York Region, York University and ventureLAB have come together to create an entrepreneurial community event in York Region called the communityBUILD Mash-Up.  Centraide de la région de York, l’Université York et ventureLAB ont travaillé conjointement à la mise sur pied dans la région de York d’un évènement communautaire pour entrepreneurs, le « communityBUILD […]

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