Post Cards from Congress – Day 5

Being Ubiquitous u•biq•ui•tous yo͞oˈbikwədəs/ adjective adjective: ubiquitous • present, appearing, or found everywhere. • “his ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family” synonyms: omnipresent, ever-present, everywhere, all over the place, pervasive, universal, worldwide, global; (source: Google) I was struck by the words of our friend and partner in KMb at the United Way York […]

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Walking the Talk of Community Engagement / Prouver, concrètement, notre engagement communautaire

There are many opportunities to meet and publish about community engagement. David Phipps (York University) and Jane Wedlock (United Way York Region) are active in these spaces but we’re wondering how others participate. How do we support authentic community campus partnerships? Les occasions de rencontre et de publication dans le domaine de l’engagement communautaire sont nombreuses. David […]

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At the Intersection of Community Engagement and Entrepreneurship / À l’intersection de l’engagement communautaire et de l’entrepreneuriat

We recently had the chance to present communityBUILD, York Region’s approach to supporting social ventures addressing food security and youth employment. There are a number of features that makes communityBUILD unique. Nous avons eu récemment l’occasion de présenter BATIRensemble, l’approche adoptée par la région de York pour appuyer les projets sociaux qui favorisent la sécurité […]

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United Way, a Think-Tank on Community Issues in York Region / Centraide, un labo d’idées sur les enjeux communautaires dans la région de York

The following story first appeared on the United Way York Region website on March 31, 2014 and is reposted here with permission. Ce récit a été publié la première fois sur le site United Way York Region, le 31 mars 2014. Il est repris ici avec permission. United Way York Region’s Board of Directors consists of a […]

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upStream Open House – Getting Fresh in York Region / Soirée porte ouverte d’upStream : fraîcheur garantie pour la région de York

Michael Johnny, RIR-York York Region Food Network is addressing the issue of food security through an interesting and innovative project. Through collaborative partnerships and a grant from the Ontario Centres of Excellence, upStream Aquaponics has been launched to pilot sustainable and healthy food development throughout the year. Le réseau alimentaire de la région de York […]

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communityBUILD / BÂTIR ensemble

David Phipps, RIR-York CommunityBUILD is a unique partnership between community, business and the university that is creating a system of supports for social enterprise in York Region. Combining the assets of different sectors creates opportunities that none could support working alone. BÂTIR ensemble est un partenariat unique entre la communauté, le monde des affaires et […]

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communityBUILD Mash-Up

United Way York Region, York University and ventureLAB have come together to create an entrepreneurial community event in York Region called the communityBUILD Mash-Up.  Centraide de la région de York, l’Université York et ventureLAB ont travaillé conjointement à la mise sur pied dans la région de York d’un évènement communautaire pour entrepreneurs, le « communityBUILD […]

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