The Who, What and How of Research Impact / L’impact de la recherche : le qui, le quoi et le comment

David Phipps has just returned from three weeks in the UK for his Fellowship funded by the Association of Commonwealth Universities. Working with his Fellowship partner, Julie Bayley (Coventry University), he became immersed in research impacts mediated through public engagement, commercialization, entrepreneurship, internationalization and knowledge exchange. This affords the opportunity for a trans-Atlantic comparison of […]

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Online Recruitment for Research Study on Knowledge Mobilization

Monica Batac, a graduate student, at Ryerson University is recruiting participants for a Q-study to assess priority competencies and skills for knowledge mobilization. Ryerson University’s Research Ethics Board has approved this study. Diverse participants from academic and non-academic organizations are invited to complete the survey. Potential participants include knowledge mobilization researchers, knowledge brokers, intermediaries, and […]

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Results from our Social Media Survey

ResearchImpact has had a web presence since 2006 when we first launched our site Since then, we have made substantial changes to the site 2007 and 2009. We entered the Web 2.0 world with the launch of this blog in May of 2008 and then started using twitter (@researchimpact), delicious ( and O3 (, […]

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ResearchImpact Evaluation Survey

The KM Units which are leading the ResearchImpact network (York University and the University of Victoria) are undergoing an evaluation, and we would like your feedback!  We are asking you to complete a survey regarding your experiences with the Knowledge Mobilization Unit. The purpose of the survey is to gather information  on how a specific […]

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