Post Cards From Congress – Day 7

The final day of Congress comes with mixed feelings; excitement from so many fruitful conversations and some fatigue from working 7-8 consecutive days. It’s an annual rite of passage and one the RIC network enjoys and values. Special thanks to hosts, Ryerson University. Their space at Maple Leaf Gardens has been our office for the […]

Lire la suite… from Post Cards From Congress – Day 7

Post Cards From Congress – Day 6

Our First Ten Years at Congress Congress at Ryerson is winding down and ends tomorrow. For Research Impact Canada / Reseau Impact Recherche Canada this is our 10th year exhibiting and talking Knowledge Mobilization to researchers across Canada and other countries. Over the years we’ve experienced a growing understanding of what KMb is and how […]

Lire la suite… from Post Cards From Congress – Day 6

Post Cards From Congress – Day 5

Why exhibit about Knowledge Mobilization? Every year at Congress we’re set amongst numerous book publishers at the book fair. For 7 or 8 days we sit and engage researchers about Knowledge Mobilization and Research Impact Canada. But why do we do this? Knowledge Mobilization has become increasingly important for researchers in Canada. It is an […]

Lire la suite… from Post Cards From Congress – Day 5

Post Cards From Congress – Day 4

What is knowledge mobilization? I’ll be honest, it is not a question we get at our exhibitor booth too often anymore. Clearly, KMb has become more mainstream in the research culture. However, on occasion, we will get someone who drops by and says, “I’ve never heard of knowledge mobilization, what is it?”. This is important […]

Lire la suite… from Post Cards From Congress – Day 4

Post Cards from Congress – Day 3

Day 3: Another great day with over 50 substantive conversations at the Research Impact Canada booth. Yet again we had another non-academic organization swing by to inquire about our services. Food Secure Canada is already working with researchers across Canada including York University’s Rod McRae. However, there are always new research needs emerging and we […]

Lire la suite… from Post Cards from Congress – Day 3

Post Cards From Congress – Day 2

Day 2: BC. Ontario. Alberta. Manitoba. Quebec. Nova Scotia. Texas. Copenhagen. Ukraine. USA. We chatted with people from across Canada and around the world. Again today we had another non-profit organization interested in partnering with academic researchers. Yesterday we spoke to an organization seeking information and expertise to help inform a curriculum for micro-finance in […]

Lire la suite… from Post Cards From Congress – Day 2

Post Cards From Congress – Day 1

Day 1: Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto. The sight of Stanley Cup wins (well, not since 1967), boxing championships and concerts. And now the Congress of the Sciences and Humanities. Research Impact Canada is hanging out right next to our SSHRC friends. Day 1 saw a total of 40 conversations about knowledge mobilization and impacts of […]

Lire la suite… from Post Cards From Congress – Day 1