Scientist Knowledge Translation Training for Graduate Students 2018

SickKids Learning Institute A well-developed knowledge translation (KT) plan is often a proposal requirement for health research funding agencies in Canada and abroad. In addition, various sectors are demonstrating greater attention to the utilization and impact of research. The Scientist Knowledge Translation Training (SKTT™) workshop was developed on the premise that scientists, and increasingly, other […]

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Knowledge Mobilization Advice From SSHRC / Les recommandations du CRSH concernant la mobilisation des connaissances

Knowledge Mobilization advice from a research funder is necessarily generic but the advice provided by SSHRC is a great starting point for grant applicants to begin to craft a specific knowledge mobilization strategy. Just don’t leave it to the last day to start! Les recommandations des organismes de subventions concernant la mobilisation des connaissances (MdC) […]

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Planning for Knowledge Translation: A Researcher’s Guide

Ward, V., Smith, S., Foy, R. House, A. and Hamer, S. (2010). Planning for knowledge translation: A researcher’s guide. Evidence & Policy. 6(4), 527-541.  Abstract Researchers are being strongly encouraged to incorporate knowledge translation strategies into their research applications, but there is relatively little clear guidance for them about precisely what this means or how […]

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March 25 Talks at York – A Smorgasbord of KMb Activity

Our experiences within research is such that ethics approval on human cloning would be a touchy subject, let alone the technological challenges, so when two interesting talks at York were scheduled for the same date and time, we were pleased to be part of an enthusiastic team that allowed us to split up and cover […]

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